Wednesday, June 8, 2016


“The World is Too Much With Us”
This is a beautiful poem. I like the way in which Wordsworth portrays the speeding up of society’s pace. I agree with him in that people should slow down to look at nature. Wordsworth crafts his poem in such a way that a person cannot help but agree.

This passage emphasizes the beauty and calming effect of nature. Wordsworth describes the way he often daydreams of daffodils. I like the happy, positive light with which Wordsworth writes. Also, I like his focus on the beauty of nature.

“She was a Phantom of Delight”

In this poem, Wordsworth conveys beautifully the emotions he feels towards a lovely women. If only all love poems could be like this one. It is so simple, yet so deep. So loving, and so descriptive.

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